Twisted Stitcher

Friday, July 14, 2006

Merino goodness

Today I took off of work early and went to Victor, CO to pick up the merino yarn we dropped off earlier. I made a quick stop at Chick-Fil-A for a quick bite to eat on the road, and got one of their yummy chocolate/strawberry shakes. I had planned on just popping on the highway and up to Victor, but a rather large pothole caused my milkshake to spill all over my shirt and a large portion landed in my lap. Not fun, but helpful to LeeAnn. So I made a short detour to my house to put on clothes that were not "cool and refreshing".

Mira the dog wanted to go, so after I cleaned up the mess in the car, we took off. I drove up on the paved road, since I had to make sure I had time to get there before they closed.

The roving is soft and wonderful, and the people who did it for us did a fabulous job, from what I can tell right now. I have a couple other things in line for the wheel, but this looks like it should spin up really well. The folks that did this for us do llama and alpaca also. The prices are very reasonable, and the service is top notch.

Mira and I decided to drive back home via Gold Camp Road. The trekking sock was looking for a little adventure, too. Here are some pictures of the scenery. I love driving on this road, it is so beautiful. Let me know what you think!

Mira, riding shotgun... after a quick dip in the scenic pond. She is usually a fluffier and nicer smelling travel companion than this.

The sock, hanging on during one of the many scary "look Ma, no guardrails" part of the road....

A big old bag of roving. Yes sir, yes sir, 12 pounds full....

I can hardly wait to spin up my share of this stuff. It feels so good. I wish I could describe it better for you.


  • Cathy,

    I am a very new spinner. What do you mean "neps"? I think I know what you mean, the little tiny bits of fleece that are in with the nice smooth roving, but are not well blended? Kind of like tiny bits of unblended flour in a cake batter? Kind of blops? Isn't that a great word, blops?

    By Blogger Linda, at 8:10 PM  

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