Twisted Stitcher

Monday, August 21, 2006


Knitting progress was made today.
I now have a completed pair of brown Trekking socks. I wish it were cold enough to wear them. I will take a hike with them this weekend probably. Maybe somewhere near Greeley, or somewhere between here and there.

Meg's surprise is not put together. I plan on working on it tomorrow at lunch. I really think I can finish it by Friday or Saturday.

Lisa and I were talking mittens at group on Saturday, and I told her my all time favorite mitten pattern is the one from this book. I've made at least five pairs from this pattern and like them a lot. Here's a question for you all, what is your favorite mitten pattern?

On a non-knitting note: The garden did not get finished tonight. I got home from work around 8 pm, and I was going to go in the house, throw on some digging in the dirt type clothes and finish it up. I got sidetracked my Meg, whose wisdom teeth check-up revealed she had what they call "dry socket" in the two bottom extraction sites. So I had to run out and get her a smoothie for dinner. When I got back the boys, who were finishing up some other yard work convinced me to take them to Chipotle's for dinner. We got back after 9:30 pm, which is too late to garden. So, let's all keep our fingers crossed for tomorrow.

A bonus picture for you... This is what the sky looked like when I left work. I just love Rocky Mountain sunsets


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